Whether Muslim Why protect the precepts? | Mima examine that to be ...

Whether Muslim Why protect the precepts? | Mima examine that to be ...

Whether Muslim Why protect the precepts? | Mima examine that to be ... Islam and Judaism are respecting the precepts, Christianity does not have focused less stringent in great precepts. Because precepts is that the rules that God has decided. There to many precepts Islam, it has also been defined to the point where very fine. The precepts, and the prohibition of food regulations and idolatry. In the Islam of food provisions, it is supposed to be do not eat pork, other than meat treated in a fixed manner other than pork is supposed to do not eat. Drinking liquor There are also rules, such as do not. In addition, do not have to worship facing the Mecca is a day times Islamic holy places, to other, such as fasting and almsgiving There are rules in various ways. Judaism There are also food provisions, it has been divided into those that dont eat may creatures. For example, there is no scale seafood is supposed to be do not eat, etc. Ebitakoika can not eat. Provisions relating to diet, such as by a prayer of thanks after meals or to dedicate a prayer of thanks at the table, it has complex determined more than Islam.